Immune Function Optimization*
(Highest Level of Immune-Activating Acemannan*)
A power-packed proprietary blend of best-in-class super-food extracts combined with our exclusive Alovéa Acemannan Extract (Alovéa AE™). This blend has shown to provide the optimal immune system support, inflammatory bio-marker defense, and oxidative damage protection to offset the ravaging effects that toxins and stress inflict on our body’s core metabolic functions.*
100% Whole-Food Nourishment*
(No Synthetically Made Vitamins or Minerals)
A unique blend of nature’s most nutrient-dense foods, plants, sprouts and immune optimizing Acemannan. This amazing breakthrough composition provides whole-food sourced vitamins, minerals, digestive enzymes and trace elements in their most bio-available form for the production and maintenance of healthy cells and an optimally functioning metabolism.*
CONTAINS: Tree Nuts (Coconut)
Advanced Omega-3 Formula
(Five Times More Bio-available Than Traditional Omega-3 fish Oils*)
Combines highly bio-available Omega-3 Lysine powder with a proprietary blend of fat-mobilizing plant extracts for the restoration and maintenance of a healthy fat-burning metabolism. The burning of fat for fuel instead of sugar helps reduce oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory responses in the body.*
CONTAINS: Fish (Anchovy)
Alovéa Prime Shake is formulated with a variety of plant-sourced proteins in order to provide a wide range of amino acids.
The intake of protein in the morning can raise your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) up to 30% for about 4 hours. Protein provides the building blocks for the body’s production of lean (fat-burning) tissues.*
Fiber is resistant to digestion and therefore can raise your BMR. Xylooligosaccharides (XOS) are a minimum of 4 times more effective at enhancing your gut’s production of friendly bacteria over any other form of prebiotic fiber. XOS also have the added benefit of restricting bad bacteria growth. An imbalance in the ratio of friendly bacteria to bad bacteria in your gut is a major contributer to chronic inflammation and weight gain.*
A blend of plant-based ingredients that has been clinically shown to increase Nitric Oxide (NO) production in the body by up to 230%. Nitric Oxide is a vasodilator signaling blood vessels to relax thus increasing blood flow, oxygen and fuel to our cells which makes Prime Shakes a great workout drink.*
A broad range of digestive enzymes to support the proper breakdown of your foods into nutrient building blocks. Undigested foods result in wasted nutrients.*
Supercharged with our exclusive Alovéa AE™ Acemannan Extract that contains the industry’s highest percentage of the immune-activating fractions of Acemannan. A strong immune system helps the body direct energy to other critical organs like the brain.
A proprietary blend of vitamins amino acids, caffeine and bioactive plant compounds that can energize the brain’s functions of focus, alertness, attention, and memory.*
Alovéa AE™ contains the highest levels of immune activating Acemannans, which have been shown to improve cognitive performance.*
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
760 N. Hwy. 67, Suite A
(888) 280-9555
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