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Guarantee & Return Policy

Product Guarantee

Alovéa offers a 100% 60 day money-back satisfaction guarantee (less shipping charges) to all Customers, Affiliates, and Social Business Partners on their first product purchase only. Subsequent purchases of product will not be returnable under this policy even if purchased inside the first sixty (60) days. Under this guarantee, the purchaser, at their own expense, may return to Alovéa any unused and unopened product (even if empty) and receive a 100% refund of the purchase price (less shipping charges).

Returns by Customers

Alovéa offers, through its Social Business Partners, a 100% 60 day money-back guarantee to all retail customers on their first order of Alovéa Health products. Every Social Business Partner is bound to honor the retail customer guarantee. If, for any reason, a retail customer is dissatisfied with any Alovéa product, the retail customer may return the product to Alovéa, within 60 days, for a replacement, exchange or a full refund of the purchase price (less shipping charges).
The following provision sets forth the minimum refund permitted by law to a retail customer:
A retail customer who makes a purchase of $25.00 or more has three business days (72 hours, excluding Sundays and legal holidays) after the sale or execution of a contract to cancel the order and receive a full refund consistent with the cancellation notice on the order form (5 days for Alaska residents). When a Social Business Partner makes a sale or takes an order from a retail customer who cancels or requests a refund within the 72 hour period, the Social Business Partner must promptly refund the customer’s money as long as the products are returned to the Social Business Partner in substantially as good condition as when received (5 days for Alaska residents). Social Business Partners must orally inform customers of their right to rescind a purchase or an order within 72 hours (5 days for Alaska residents), and ensure that the date of the order or purchase is entered on the order form. All retail customers must be provided with an Alovéa sales receipt at the time of the sale.

More Questions?

Additional questions can be answered by our Member Services Staff at (888) 280-9555 or [email protected].

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